Saturday, April 22, 2006


A few times a years perspective parents sit in on a half-hour of class. This allows them to get a feel for both the school and classroom before committing their child to an academic career with us. It seems like a great idea for the parents, but it’s a little odd to have a handful of adults sitting at the back of the room while I teach vocabulary and reading.

During our observed lesson the other day we needed to discuss why the book we are reading says “Indians” and I say “Native Americans.” I went in to the whole, Columbus thinking he had reached the West Indies and thus dubbing the natives Indians, thing. They always think this is such a riot. “You mean he got lost?” they always ask. We also talked about what the word “native” means. So, being a Native American means you are originally from America.

As I finish the last sentence of my little lesson on political correctness, regarding Native Americans, Sneaky Man raises his hand.

“Yes Sneaky.”
“Ms. Teacher, you have to call Indians Native Americans because they will put a spell on you and curse you if you don’t.”

My jaw dropped. First, I had just spent ten minutes talking about why we use the term Native Americans. Second, there was a strange adult at the back of my room. What must she think?

“No, Sneaky. That is not why we say Native American. I just explained why we don’t use the term Indian. Can anyone tell Sneaky why we say Native American?”

Every hand shot in the air and to my relief the hand I called upon was attached to a child that had in fact been paying attention.

I was very happy when we got back to reading the book.