I have a very chatty class this year. I don’t mind a gentle hum in the room while the students are working. These guys can take it a little far though. Most days I’m on my game and can easily keep the volume in check. There are other days though…
Today was one of the other days. Spring Vacation is next week and I have to imagine that had something to do with it. The kids were nuts. Between Jimmy constantly calling out, at a volume that would indicate I am hard of hearing, and Simon who continues to share his stories, even while you are looking him in the eye asking him to stop, I was coming unraveled. By lunchtime, my head was pounding and my genial nature was seriously depleting. Surely, a nice lunch with the other teachers would center me for the afternoon.
No such luck. When it was time to go back to class, I felt only apprehension. How many hours do I have to get through? This isn’t the greatest attitude with which to approach a Thursday afternoon. Then I remembered the gift my mother-in-law gave me for Christmas… a plug in teapot. Could a fresh cup of tea put a different spin on the day?
I reached to classroom as the students were putting their lunch boxes away, gave the spelling tests to my “paper passer” and turned on the teapot.
Student 1 “What is that funny sound?”
Student 2 “It’s Ms. Teacher’s teapot, remember”
Student 1 “Oh, ya. It’s from her mom right?”
Student 2 “No, her husbands mom. That’s what a mother-in-law is.”
The teapot makes a very subtle whispering sound. It is actually quite pleasant. Once all of the students’ had their tests the water was ready. I made myself a decaffeinated Chai Tea latte with the supplies located in the cupboard behind my desk. One of the greatest things I have ever found, next to the teapot, is the vanilla powder used by “Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf”. Add a couple spoonfuls, a nice teabag, stir and enjoy!
By the time I gave the kids their first spelling word, I was already feeling better. We all managed to make it through spelling, math and even a social studies lesson on the beauty of spring.
Thanks Mama J, I couldn’t have made it without your gift!!