Well, here we go. No longer the novice teacher, I feel like it might be time to branch out. The days of worrying about tomorrow’s math lesson are a thing of the past. Now my big concerns regard improving my existing curriculum. It is a great feeling.
I’m hoping this Blog will serve several functions. It would be great to have somewhere to let off steam. After a full day at school, I often come home with stories I think are very interesting/ thought-provoking/ funny or maddening. My extremely patient husband, who has nothing at all to do with teaching, doesn’t appear to feel the same way. He is a good sport, but this Blog may get the stories out to folks who are actually interested. Imagine that!
This could also be a great place to flesh out teaching ideas. I’m big into group projects and cooperative units, so collaboration is always helpful. Teachers can learn so much from each other. This may be a nice way to create some kind of dialog. Don’t feel like you need to be an educator to participate though. I’ve gotten some great ideas, for the classroom, from friends in all sorts of fields.
Welcome to the beginning. I sure hope all goes well.